Design Your Story Map



Consider the myths, stories, and books that have changed your life. What do they all have in common?

They took you on a journey; they allowed you to see yourself reflected in a new way; they connected your personal experience to the universal journey we all share. 

Writing from the heart, with nothing to hide and nothing to prove, is what transforms the lives of your readers. True stories are like messengers that spark other hearts and souls to ignite their remembrance. 

Your messy, wild, miraculous life is full of inspiration, medicine, and wisdom. Now, it’s time to share it.

Join an inspiring group of leaders and visionaries to design your unique Story Map — an archetypal outline of the New Myth™ that structures your story into a cohesive narrative.


Collectively, we’re living in a time of unprecedented change and comprehensive renewal. The old paradigm is ending, the establishment is failing, and the faulty structures are collapsing.

As leaders, we cross the threshold first. We step beyond the known and into the new. We choose death and rebirth over maintaining the status quo. And our stories of transformation are the raw materials that build a bridge for others to cross the great divide. We are the storytellers of the New Myth™.

You’ve lived your story, and now it’s time to tell it. Creating a Story Map is the first step.


Writing a book is a long-term creation that requires a solid foundation.  

After walking many clients through the same self-discovery process to clarify their stories and birth their books, I created a signature method called the Story Map. 

The Story Map guides you to the authentic voice of your narrator, connects you with the heart of your reader, and creates a narrative arc unique to your journey. 

If you begin writing your book with no direction, you end up writing and writing and hoping to find your way to the end of the story rather than following a clear structure that guides your expression.

The Story Map is the foundation that grounds the soul of your story. When you have a map to follow, your stories have a clear direction, and writing becomes the easy part of birthing your book (really!).

And when you understand the arc of your reader’s journey, you can write in a way that speaks directly to THEM. You can meet the reader where they are and walk them through their own transformation using your stories as the guide. 

This is the difference between a good story and a life-changing experience for the reader. 



For more than a decade, I worked as a journalist and an editor at top national publications, including Travel + Leisure and T magazine at the New York Times

Now, I combine my publishing skills, intuitive gifts, and creative wisdom to mentor transformational leaders, visionaries, and storytellers. 

I guide these creators in awakening their genius, living and telling their personal myths, and structuring their transformational stories and books.

Only you can write the story you’re meant to tell, but you don’t have to do it alone.

If you're here to share the full spectrum of your human experience, tell true stories that are rich in heart and soul, and write a book that transforms the lives of others, I am your guide. My intention is to support you as a storyteller of the New Myth™ in a way that feels authentic, inspiring, and aligned with your soul’s unique expression.

Your lived experience contains powerful wisdom that is your creative contribution to the world. NOW is the time to share your stories and offer your divine gifts in service to our collective evolution.

Whether you’re ready to start writing your book and don’t know where to begin, you’ve already started writing, or you’ve completed a draft of your manuscript, you can benefit from the clarity of the Story Map process and its developmental guidance. 

And if you’re “not a writer” and feel inspired to share your story, your expression can take many other forms. I’ve worked with clients who have woven stories into their art exhibitions, written and illustrated graphic novels, and used this method to structure their performance art pieces.

The Storytellers of the New Myth™ Immersion is a place to share your weirdest, wildest, truest stories and be supported in designing a narrative structure that is unique to you. 

If you're ready to share your story of transformation, you're invited to join me and an incredible group of heart-centered leaders on this immersive creative journey.


  • You sense deep down that you have a story to share (even if you don’t think you’re a “writer”)  

  • You’re an outlier, a lineage breaker, a sacred rebel; you don’t fit in, and you know that’s part of your magic 

  • The traditional advice about writing a book feels uninspiring. You’re not here to “bang out” a book, write a how-to guide, or plug your story into a generic marketing equation, and you’re interested in a more soulful approach

  • You’re a heart-centered leader who’s devoted to your divine mission above all else

  • You’re ready, willing, and committed to building a solid foundation for your creative contribution — you’re not interested in a quick fix

  • Inexplicably, beyond logic, you feel that this journey of creative expression and expansion is meant for you


This 12-week immersion will help you clarify the story you’re meant to tell, create a cohesive structure and clear outline, and develop your storytelling skills to connect with your readers.

Some of the topics and themes we’ll cover:

  • Identify your personal and collective intentions  

  • Understand the archetypal relationship between the reader and the writer

  • Establish a reader profile and create a character sketch to develop your connection with the reader and understand more about their journey of transformation

  • Learn about the acts, phases, and thresholds of the New Myth™ to map your transformational story arc

  • Map your personal journey to the universal story arc, and align the reader’s journey with your own

  • Story selection: choose which stories to share and WHY  

  • Embodied storytelling: how to tell true stories and connect to the emotional energetics beyond your words

  • How to design a narrative arc that sets you up for a smoother writing process and allows you to place stories you’ve already written into a cohesive structure


Each week, we’ll meet live via Zoom (recordings will be provided), and I’ll guide you through the Story Map process. You’ll apply what you’ve learned and complete your story design between calls.  

  • Live virtual teachings + developmental story coaching 

  • Group Q+A for additional guidance 

  • Writing assignments to guide your personal Story Map design

  • Additional content: creative visualizations + prompts + practices


Deeper wisdom and increased awareness about your journey of transformation, an outline of your book’s narrative arc, a cohesive and intentional structure to guide your writing and editing process, a relationship with your reader, and an understanding of their transformational journey.




This intimate group of transformational leaders will receive private sessions, additional creative guidance about story selection and narrative arc design, intuitive support and integration practices, and individual feedback.

The mastermind group is for established leaders who have walked through the fires of transformation and emerged with an undeniable passion to make a lasting creative contribution. 

To benefit from the mastermind, you do not need to be “a writer” or have a working manuscript or a book proposal. Rather, you need an unwavering commitment to your authentic expression, a desire to share the depth and truth of your experience, and a clear intention about WHY sharing your story is important to you.

If you’re a transformational leader who’s interested in 1 : 1 support for the creative development of your story design or book project, then I invite you to apply for the mastermind below!


What other leaders are saying about their Story Map experience:

"This is a book that I was scared to write. And it's the book I was meant to write. I've found it's important to hire masterful guides and invest in quality support when you're undertaking such a huge calling."

— KATERINA SATORI - Leadership Mentor + Mystical Guide

“Honestly, the Story Map process taught me a lot about myself. It was a personally transformative journey that was then translated into the book. This book is already connecting with people in ways I could never anticipate. “

BRANDON BOZARTH - Guide + Channel + Coach



“Kristina is a true master of transformational storytelling, and I recommend her creative mentorship to any leader who knows they have a story they’re meant to tell.

She helped me amplify my authentic voice by guiding me to the deeper, truer, realer version of my story. Kristina’s expert guidance transformed my writing into something truly exceptional. She taught me how to create an immersive journey for the reader that made the lessons tangible, relatable, and lasting.”


—Majo molfino—Author of BREAK the good girl myth

“One of the things I value most about working with Kristina is her wide range of gifts — she has the ability to transmit both grounded and esoteric wisdom.

Her creative guidance was instrumental in the development of my first book, Break the Good Girl Myth (HarperOne), and it was her inspiration that led to my first episode of the HEROINE podcast.

After our sessions, I feel a deeper connection to myself and my truth, and more aligned with my work as an artist.”



“Kristina bridges the physical and the metaphysical—the raw, real, and grounded with the depths of mystery, where creativity and true expression exist. Working with her was a blessing. I was afraid my auto-biographical stories of intuition, magic, and healing might be too ‘out there’ for an editor to take me seriously. She provided a safe and encouraging space while also being direct and to the point.

If you’ve got a story to tell, no matter where you are in that process, reach out to Kristina. Your creative soul and your future readers will thank you!”


— ELLE LUNA — Artist + Author

“Kristina can support writers in both parts of the process—first, the harvesting of ideas and the seeking of truth, and then in the highly skilled process of refining, editing, and shaping the final product. Anyone who has the chance to work with her will see their writing burst forth beyond themselves and into the divine realms where healing can be found—for writer and reader alike. Working with Kristina has been a MUST for my work and my life.”



“In my work with Kristina, we let go of my story having a specific form. I learned patience and I feel a maturity with the creative process that wasn’t there before our work. I developed a dedication to engage with this project consistently.

I used to feel a rush to ship things quickly, but now I’m committed to bringing this project into the world in its own time.”